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How to Keep An Action Figure from Falling Over

If you’re a collector of action figures, then you know that one of the most frustrating things is when your figures keep falling over. No matter how many times you try to prop them up, they just won’t stay put! Luckily, there are many ways to keep an action figure from toppling over.

If the figure has holes in its feet or back, you can connect it to a display stand using pegs. Another option is to attach the figure to a base that prevents it from falling over. You can also use tape or putty to hold the figure in place. Whichever method you choose, make sure that the figure is securely attached before putting it on display. Otherwise, you may find yourself constantly picking it up off the floor.

Use Display Stands

Action figures can be displayed on stands to keep them from falling over. There are different types of stands available, such as peg stands, which have a hole in the bottom of the foot that can be inserted into the hole on the action figure’s foot.

Another type of stand is the base stand, which has a flat bottom that will keep the action figure from toppling over. Some stands also have a clamp that will hold the action figure in place.

When you’re looking for display stands for your action figures, there are a few things you’ll want to keep in mind.

  • Make sure that there is a small hole in the bottom of your figure. This is where you will put the stand. This is essential, as without it the figure will have nothing to connect to the stand.
  • Make sure that the hole for the peg is not too big or too small. The peg should fit snugly in the hole. If it’s too big, the figure will be loose and wobble on the stand, while if it’s too small, the figure will be difficult or impossible to connect to the stand.
  • Make sure the display stand is big enough to hold the figure. Some stands are only meant for smaller figures, and won’t be able to support a larger one.

Whichever type of stand you choose, make sure it is securely attached to the action figure before putting it on display. If it is not attached properly, the action figure may fall off and get damaged.

Use Double-Sided Tape

One of the simplest and most effective ways to keep your action figures from falling over is to use double-sided tape. All you need is a small piece of tape for each figure, and then you can attach them securely to any surface. 

This is a great option if you don’t want to permanently damage your furniture or walls. Just be sure to test the tape on a small area first to make sure it doesn’t remove paint or leave any sticky residue behind. 

Another advantage of using double-sided tape is that you can easily remove your figures when you’re done playing with them. Just peel off the tape and they’ll come right off – no muss, no fuss. 

So next time your action figures start toppling over, reach for some double-sided tape and give it a try. It’s an easy and inexpensive way to keep them standing tall.

Use Command Strips

Double-sided tape can be difficult to remove and may damage surfaces, so instead use command strips! They work in the same way but are easily removed and won’t harm furniture or walls.

Be sure to read the instructions on the package before use so that you don’t accidentally ruin your action figure collection. Your action figures will thank you for keeping them upright and displayed safely.

Use Hot Glue

If you’re looking for a more permanent solution, hot glue is a great option. Just apply a small amount of glue to the bottom of each figure, and press them firmly into place on your chosen surface.

Hot glue dries quickly, so this is perfect if you’re in a hurry. Just be careful not to get any glue on your fingers!

Another great thing about hot glue is that you can use it on a variety of surfaces. I’ve used it on wood, glass, metal, and even fabric with great success. It’s also waterproof, so it’s perfect for outdoor projects.

The only downside to hot glue is that it can be messy to work with. But overall, it’s a great product that can help you finish your project quickly and easily.

We hope these tips have helped you figure out how to keep your action figures from falling over! Do you have any other tips that we didn’t mention? Let us know in the comments below.

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