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How to Clean Dust Off Action Figures

If you’re a fan of action figures, chances are you have a few (or a few dozen) on display in your home. But if you don’t dust them off regularly, they can start to look a bit neglected. Here are a few quick and easy tips for keeping your action figures looking their best.

5 Ways to Clean Dust Off Action Figures

Use a soft, dry cloth

The first step is to use a soft, dry cloth to dust off the action figure. A microfiber cloth is ideal as it will not scratch the surface of the figure. Gently wipe the cloth over the figure to remove any dust that is on the surface.

Use a can of compressed air

If there is dust in hard-to-reach places, you can use a can of compressed air to blow it out. Simply hold the can upright and aim the nozzle at the dust. Be sure to hold the can upright so that the compressed air does not freeze and damage the figure.

Use a vacuum cleaner with a soft brush attachment

Another option for removing dust is to use a vacuum cleaner with a soft brush attachment. Simply turn on the vacuum and gently run the brush over the figure to remove any dust that is on it. Be sure to hold the vacuum cleaner steady so that it does not damage the figure.

Use a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol

If there is stubborn dust that won’t come off with a dry cloth or compressed air, you can try using a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol. Gently dab the cotton swab on the affected area and then wipe it clean with a dry cloth. Be sure to test this method on an inconspicuous area first to make sure it won’t damage the paint or finish on your figure.

Take your figure to a professional cleaner

If all else fails, you can take your figure to a professional cleaner who specializes in cleaning action figures. They will have the knowledge and equipment necessary to safely and effectively clean your figure without damaging it.

3 Methods of Cleaning

Quick dusting

If your action figures are starting to look a little dusty, the first thing you’ll want to do is give them a quick once-over with a soft cloth. A microfiber cloth is ideal, but even an old t-shirt will do the trick. Just gently wipe down each figure, being careful not to knock them over.

Blow the dust away

If there’s dust in hard-to-reach places, like between two pieces of armor or in creases of clothing, you can use a can of compressed air to blow it away. Just be careful not to hold the can too close to the figure, as the blast of air can damage delicate parts.

Clean the hard-to-reach spots

For those really tough spots, you may need to use a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol. Rubbing alcohol will dissolve most types of dirt and grime, but be sure to test it on an inconspicuous spot first to make sure it won’t damage the paint job on your figure. Gently dab the cotton swab on the offending spot until it comes clean. 

3 Tips to Keep Your Action Figures Dust-Free

One of the worst things is when the dust starts to build upon action figures. Not only does it make them look less vibrant and new, but it can also affect their value if you ever decide to sell them. So what’s the best way to keep your action figures dust-free?

The best way to prevent dust from building up on your action figures is to keep them in a display case. By doing this, you create a barrier between your figures and the outside world, which will significantly cut down on the amount of dust that can accumulate on them. If you don’t want to use a display case, another option is to simply keep them in a closed cabinet or box when they’re not in use. 

Another way to reduce the amount of dust that builds up on your action figures is to take some preventative measures when you’re cleaning your home. For example, when you’re vacuuming, make sure to use a vacuum with a HEPA filter; this will trap more dirt and dust particles so that they don’t end up floating around your home and settling on your action figures. Additionally, try to avoid using aerosols or aerosol-based cleaning products; while they may smell nice, the chemicals in them can actually attract dust. Instead, opt for all-natural cleaning solutions like vinegar or lemon juice. 

Lastly, one of the easiest ways to keep your action figures dust-free is simply to wipe them down regularly with a microfiber cloth. This will remove any surface dirt or dust that has settled on them, and it’s a good way to give them a quick once-over in between deep cleanings. Plus, it only takes a few seconds and doesn’t require any special equipment or solutions! 

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