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Can I Put an Action Figure Inside My PC Case?

So you want to put an action figure inside your PC case. Maybe it’s for good luck, maybe you think it looks cool, or maybe you just really love action figures. Whatever your reasons, you’re wondering if it’s even possible to do this without damaging your computer. Well, wonder no more! Read on to find out whether you can put an action figure inside your PC case.

The quick answer is that yes, you can put an action figure inside your PC case as long as the figure is not too big and does not have any metal parts that could touch electrical components. However, there are a few things you should keep in mind before you start placing action figures inside your computer case.

Is It Safe to Put an Action Figure Inside Your PC?

Most people use their computers for gaming, work, or both. So, it makes sense that you would want to personalize it with an action figure of your favorite character. But is it safe to put an action figure inside your PC? The answer is yes and no.

It all depends on where you place the action figure and how it might affect the airflow or temperatures inside your PC. If you block the airflow, then your computer could overheat. However, if you put the action figure in a spot where it won’t block any vents or fans, then it should be fine.

You also need to be careful about putting excess weight on the graphics card because this can cause problems down the line.

So, as long as you’re careful about where you place the action figure, there’s no reason why you can’t enjoy having a little bit of extra personality in your PC.

Can the Action Figure Be Damaged by the Heat inside the PC Case?

Plastic is a material with a relatively low melting point. This means that at high temperatures, it can start to deform and even melt. The exact temperature depends on the type of plastic, but for most plastics, the melting point is around 100 degrees Celsius.

So, if the inside of your PC case is reaching temperatures close to or above 100 degrees Celsius, there’s a chance that the heat could damage your action figure.

Of course, this is assuming that the figure is made entirely of plastic. If it has other materials like metal or glass, then the heat may not be an issue.

How to Put an Action Figure Inside Your Case

Make sure the action figure is fitted

Before you place an action figure inside a computer case, make sure it will fit inside the case. If the figure is too big, it could block airflow and cause your computer to overheat. If the figure is the right size, then proceed to the next step.

You need to make sure the feet of the figure are firmly planted on the ground. This will help stabilize the figure and prevent it from toppling over.

Make sure the arms and hands of the figure are in a relaxed position. This will help ensure that the cables and wires can be routed through them without issue if you want to add some LEDs.

By following these simple steps, you can ensure that your action figure-inspired computer case is both safe and stylish.

Avoid critical parts

Take a look at where the figure will be placed in relation to sensitive components like the motherboard and graphics card. You’ll want to avoid putting the figure in a spot where its metal parts could come into contact with these delicate components and cause a short circuit.

When placing an action figure inside your PC case, it’s important to be aware of where the heat-generating components are located. The backplate of the graphics card is a particularly hot spot, so you’ll want to avoid putting the action figure directly in that area.

You can place something between the action figure and the backplate of the graphics card to keep it from coming into contact with the heat.

Find the right spot

It can be difficult to find the perfect spot for your action figure inside your display case. You want it to be visible, but you don’t want it to get in the way of other items in the case. You also want to make sure it’s secure so it doesn’t fall and break. Here are a few tips to help you choose the best location for your action figure.

Consider where the figure will be most visible. If it’s a small figure, you might want to put it on a shelf near the top of the case so it’s more noticeable. If it’s a larger figure, you might want to put it near the bottom so it doesn’t block other items in the case.

Think about how easy it will be to remove the figure if you need to get to something inside the case; if it’s too difficult to remove, you might want to pick a different spot. The last thing you want is to have to empty out the entire case just to get to your figure.

Make sure the figure is securely fastened in place. You don’t want it falling and breaking because that would ruin the whole display. Use clear tape or glue to secure the figure in place, and then you can enjoy your handiwork without worry.


So there you have it! As long as the action figure is not too big and does not have any metal parts that could touch electrical components, you can put it inside your PC case without damaging your computer. Just keep in mind that placement is key; make sure the figure won’t block airflow or come into contact with sensitive components and choose a spot that’s easy to access if you need to get inside the case down the line.

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